300-Hour Yoga Teacher Training

Becoming A Master Teacher & Mastering the Business of Yoga Bundle

Purchase the bundle and receive all the courses in the Ki Yoga school including anatomy, sequencing, hands-on assists, philosophy, theming and chakra theory.
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Get all 4 courses for $599 $449!

What you will get from this bundle...

  • Yoga Anatomy Basics: this is a 200-Hour level Anatomy program that's provided at the 300-Hr level as a bridge for those students who haven't trained with Ki Yoga before. This module prepares you for all later modules.
  • Anatomical Yoga Sequencing: with an understanding of anatomy in place, apply it to the way you build and sequence classes. This framework helps you write classes quickly and ensure they're safe for your students, while also making it easy for you to add music & themes.
  • Myofascial Guidance: Learn the best way to offer hands-on assists in the public or private one-on-one setting. These hands-on yoga assists keep both you and your students safe while heightening their overall experience.
  • Theming Thru the Sutras: The difference between a good and great yoga instructor is their ability to theme. The Yoga Sutras, when applied to our modern lives, is one of the best resources for themes. In this module learn about the Sutras, advanced your meditation skills and create themes for your yoga classes.
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